Read more about the article Lessons from Love is Letting Go of Fear: Part Two
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Lessons from Love is Letting Go of Fear: Part Two

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One particular bend in the road of my journey (the story I’ll tell for the rest of my life) started when I found Love Is Letting Go of Fear by Gerald G. Jampolsky. Visit part one of these lessons here.It’s a thin book, barely over 150 pages. Preparations, ingredients, and lessons for personal transformation. It’s simple and straightforward, and yet has deep meaning. Its message was a catalyst, and the words dropped me into the vast pool…

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Lessons from Love is Letting Go of Fear: Part One

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One particular bend in the road of my journey (the story I’ll tell for the rest of my life) started when I found Love Is Letting Go of Fear by Gerald G. Jampolsky.It’s a thin book, barely over 150 pages. Preparations, ingredients, and lessons for personal transformation. It’s simple and straightforward, and yet has deep meaning. Its message was a catalyst, and the words dropped me into the vast pool of water that is the present moment.…

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How to stop procrastinating

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We've all been there. The thing needs to get done. We're the only person who can do it. But we delay it. Again. Then again. Another day. Another week. What's going on here? We know we can do it, but we don't do it! In my view, there are a few reasons we procrastinate: It's tedious, boring work we want to avoid (laundry or dishes)We don't have the proper mindset or attention we need to accomplish the…

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How mindfulness can help each Enneagram type

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The Enneagram is a powerful personality typing system that examines your core motivations, fears, and desires. There are nine personality types interconnected in various ways, but they each stand alone as a primary way of encountering the world. Do you know your type? Check out my Enneagram resources page to get started. Mindfulness is a regular practice of seeing and accepting things as they are. There are a variety of rituals or practices that can lend to…

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Presence is letting go of past pains and fears of the future

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Mindfulness is the practice of seeing things just as they are and accepting them without judgment. The first step toward seeing things as they are is practicing presence. Presence is the practice of anchoring ourselves wherever we are and shedding limiting beliefs, obsessive thoughts, or overwhelming emotions about the past or the future. This is what will eventually lead us to accepting thing without judgment, but it can be difficult, especially when someone is just beginning to…

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My Body, My Home Book Review

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I love the origin story of books. The way books come to us as readers can be as varied and numerous as the books themselves. I found one of my favorite books at a little free library. Others were assigned to me in classes, stuck out to be at a bookstore, or were recommended by a friend. I found My Body, My Home: A Radical Guide to Resilience and Belonging by Victoria Emanuela and Caitlin Metz on…

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How being mindful can help in times of uncertainty

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It's Friday, and results from Tuesday's US presidential election are still coming in. Many people feel tense as the last of the votes are counted. The president claims there's been election fraud. In Oregon, our governor activated the National Guard in case there were any riots in cities like Portland. Many worry that no matter who wins, their opponents will react with violence. How can mindfulness help us in times like these? I recently listened to an…

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15 Journal Prompts for Spirituality and Mindfulness

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I love Joan Didion's quote, "I don't know what I think until I write it down." I find writing, and especially journaling, a great tool to form actual ideas and thoughts from the mass of swirling emotions, memories, and images in my mind. Do you journal? I encourage you to try it today. It's a helpful tool to get in touch with and process your emotions. In our search for mindfulness, writing things down can bring your…

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How to “Be in Your Body” and Why It’s Important

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The mindfulness movement talks a lot about "being in your body." I've read a lot of recommendations for my Enneagram Type, the Peacemaker (Type 9), to get in touch with my body. Why is being in your body important? Many traditional religions today emphasize the differences between body and soul. Christianity, especially, focuses on how the body is sinful and how only the soul can be holy. While I understand the reasoning behind it is to call…

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Read more about the article What does it mean to be present?
Photo by Jacalyn Beales on Unsplash

What does it mean to be present?

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We were finally here. It'd been a stressful week. We'd gotten in an argument last night. We left early that morning and drove for hours down logging roads, scratching up the car, searching for the perfect spot to camp. Even when we found our spot, it took a lot of work to get there. Half a mile's walk from the car in the hot sun, then we had to traverse down a rocky hill with what felt…

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